Sunday, February 24, 2008

No work and all Clay

We had dinner with Ryan & Kara a couple of times in the last month. Each time we played with clay after - it was great fun.

Kara and her dog!

Ryan being modest about his SENSATIONAL teddy-bear body (the clay one)

Jenni made a cute bird ;)

This 'aint no half-baked idea - they're done.

Doing Great!

Heber and Jenni are doing wonderful. We love married life and each other. It is really nice to have your best friend forever--literally! I had a good cry into Heber's lap the other day (just having a bad day), and I realized that having someone to cry to is a first for me. I usually just find a corner. I really love Heber. He is so good to me. He helps me cook and clean and fixes up stuff all over the house. And don't be telling me it will stop because his Dad still does it! Anyway, I am working at getting an art business going, and Heber is finishing up school. He will graduate now in June (cross your fingers). We are doing very well! Jenni